Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lesson Plan

Title: Book Creating

Grade: 2

Theme: Today children will review what they have learned from the firehouse tour. In addition to the tour, the children will listen and look at articles from the Winona Historical Society about fires that have happened in the past.

· White Paper
· Markers
· Crayons
· Winona Historical Society Articles

Goals: Have children begin to understand the way a firehouse is used and how it is set up.

· Each student will create a picture of what they learned at the firehouse.
· Each student will write one sentence on what they learned at the firehouse.
· Students will listen to the articles about past fires from the Winona Historical Society.

A. Introductory Experiences: (5 minutes)
· Students will describe what they have learned or what they saw at the firehouse tour, along with what was interesting to them.
· Explain to students as a class that they will be creating a book of what they learned at the firehouse.
· Each student will have to write a sentence or two on what they learned during the firehouse tour.

B. Developmental Experiences: (25 minutes)
· Pass out the white paper, crayons, and markers. (2 minutes)
· Each student will have to write a sentence or two on what they learned from the firehouse tour. (10 minutes)
· After writing a sentence, children must draw a picture to go along with their sentence. (10 minutes)
· When the children are done they will share their work with the other students. (5 minutes)
· Explain to the students that their individual work will be compiled into a book for the classroom library. (3 minutes)

C. Culminating Experiences: (15 mins)
· Share with the students three articles from the Winona Historical Society on past fires.
a. Hometown Heroes Save Child
b. Warren Township home is destroyed by fire
c. Candle causes fire in Fifth St. home
· After reading the articles students can share how they feel about the article or something that strikes them as interesting.

Assessment: Teacher can walk around making sure students are writing and drawing something they learned from the firehouse tour.

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