Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lesson Plan

Title: Review and Fun Day

Grade 2

Theme: Today children will review everything they learned about fire safety and prevention. The children will also do a few fun activities to bring an end to the unit.

· Poster board
· Marker
· Crayons
· Coloring sheet
· Pictures from Winona Historical Society
· 4 sets of the matching game

Goals: The children will understand the importance of fire safety and prevention.

·Each student will demonstrate their understanding of fire safety and prevention by explaining one thing they have learned from the unit.
·The students will properly match the pictures when playing the memory game.

A. Introductory Experiences: (15 minutes)
·The teacher will tape the piece of poster board on the chalkboard so all children can see it, at the top of the poster board it will state “What I learned….”
·The teacher will ask each student what they have learned throughout the unit.
·After the student has explained what he/she learned, the teacher will write it on the poster board.
·When all children have described something they learned the class will review all topics covered throughout the unit. Such as: evacuation plans (what they are and why are they important), fire alarms (why they are important and where should they be located in a home), firehouse tour (what they learned and liked about the tour), Dalmatian dogs (how they become the dogs for firefighters), causes of fires (what causes fires such as candles something being too hot), and ways to prevent them (blow out candles, watch food that is cooking, don’t play with fire).
·Children can ask questions or get any clarifications they may need about content covered in the unit.

B. Developmental Experiences: (20 minutes)
·Show students the pictures of firefighters from the Winona Historical Society so they can see firefighters in action. (5 minutes)
·Pass pictures around so all students can see them. (The pictures will also be part of the memory game, but in a smaller version) (5 minutes)
·Explain to the students they are going to play a matching game in groups.
·Cards will be distributed to each group and they must flip them over so picture is face down.
·Students will take turns trying to find matches.
·After explaining what the children are going to do, break the students up into four groups.
·First pass out the cards to each of the groups, and they can then begin to play. (10 minutes)
·Remind children the game is not a competition, it is just a fun game to play.

C. Culminating Experiences: (10 minutes)
·As a way to wrap up the unit, teacher will hand out a coloring page of “Do you have a working smoke detector in your home?”
·Teacher will have students color the page as a relaxed way to end the unit.
·After children are done coloring the teacher will hang everyone’s picture up in the room.

Assessment: The teacher will assess the children by having the students describe one thing they have learned throughout the unit. This will present the teacher with an opportunity to notice if the children really have taken in the information and understood it.

The following are pictures that will be used in the memory game!






Lesson Plan

Title: Book Creating

Grade: 2

Theme: Today children will review what they have learned from the firehouse tour. In addition to the tour, the children will listen and look at articles from the Winona Historical Society about fires that have happened in the past.

· White Paper
· Markers
· Crayons
· Winona Historical Society Articles

Goals: Have children begin to understand the way a firehouse is used and how it is set up.

· Each student will create a picture of what they learned at the firehouse.
· Each student will write one sentence on what they learned at the firehouse.
· Students will listen to the articles about past fires from the Winona Historical Society.

A. Introductory Experiences: (5 minutes)
· Students will describe what they have learned or what they saw at the firehouse tour, along with what was interesting to them.
· Explain to students as a class that they will be creating a book of what they learned at the firehouse.
· Each student will have to write a sentence or two on what they learned during the firehouse tour.

B. Developmental Experiences: (25 minutes)
· Pass out the white paper, crayons, and markers. (2 minutes)
· Each student will have to write a sentence or two on what they learned from the firehouse tour. (10 minutes)
· After writing a sentence, children must draw a picture to go along with their sentence. (10 minutes)
· When the children are done they will share their work with the other students. (5 minutes)
· Explain to the students that their individual work will be compiled into a book for the classroom library. (3 minutes)

C. Culminating Experiences: (15 mins)
· Share with the students three articles from the Winona Historical Society on past fires.
a. Hometown Heroes Save Child
b. Warren Township home is destroyed by fire
c. Candle causes fire in Fifth St. home
· After reading the articles students can share how they feel about the article or something that strikes them as interesting.

Assessment: Teacher can walk around making sure students are writing and drawing something they learned from the firehouse tour.